I always wonder about people who say certain things are better than sex.

Like chocolate, or ecstasy, or currywurst.  It seems that such statements are usually uttered by dissatisfied women, ambitious sailors and young men who would sooner drink a camel’s jizz than admit they are in a drought.

Would I ever say saunas are better than sex? I certainly hope not. Backhand me then and there if I do. But would I ever put myself in a situation where a lover says “It’s me or the sauna”?
Probably. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

Sweatshopping:looking for all the right places for this ol’ brain to cry its sweaty tears, and thinking that someone out there wants to hear about it.

Oh, and I usually write this as I’m needing a sweat, not just after one. So you’ll probably find more typos than is acceptable.  Apologies: i’ll shout you a sweat sometime